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1 Re: NEO-NAZI NEWSGROUP INVASIONS... (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
3 Revolution Days in Budapest, Hungary (mind)  100 sor     (cikkei)
4 A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MAGYAR (mind)  74 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
7 Flanders (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
8 doing just nothing (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Mimagyarok es Timagyarok (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
10 "I love you" in many languages (mind)  581 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: doing just nothing (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
14 PLEASE READ!!! RE: Postings (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
15 doing just nothing (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind)  45 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: doing just nothing (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
22 (no subject) (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: The Hungarians in Transylvania (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: Hola!!!!!!!! (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: Hola!!!!!!!! (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: NEO-NAZI NEWSGROUP INVASIONS... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Wally Keeler > wrote:
>What are you referring to? Dames in distress? What would be the point?

Oh, if you missed the thread, it's for the better.  It's not worth to
rehash it, anyway.  So let's just forget about it and keep firing at
your favorite targets at s.c.r. ;-)

+ - Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>>     Azt hiszem nagyon eroltetett lenne ez a rohoges. Igaz, van otthon egy 
>>     kis reteg amely valoban rohog es sajnos ezek bitoroljak a hatalmat is. 
>>     A nep, es mi is veluk, inkabb siralmasnak latjuk a helyzetet.
>Nem ertem a kovetkezoket:
>1. Miert kell hatalom ahhoz, hogy az ember nevetni tudjon?
>2. Kik azok a "nep"?
>3. Honnan tetszik tudni, mit csinal a "nep"?

Hat ha ezeket kerdezned kell, akkor te es a hasonszoruek valoban egy
egesz mas vilagban eltek.  S most meg nem is szoltam az 1. szamu
rakerdezesedben rejlo alapos csusztatasrol.

Pannon J.
+ - Revolution Days in Budapest, Hungary (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Revolution Days in Budapest, Hungary

Western world should have been forewarned before revolution broke
out in Budapest on March 15, 1848. World at large should also have
been put on notice, before Oct. 23, 1956, that Hungary was about to
explode in bloody violence. Western free press could now alert again
the world to a "Hungary watch", since violence already erupted there.
Moreover, for the 14th of March, the eve of the anniversary of the
1848 Revolution, and for the actual National Holiday of March 15,
massive rallies are announced to overthrow the governement.
Peacefully, if possible.

Free press is compelled to record, that the present government of
Hungary has already resorted to brutal violence. As reported by
Hungarian weekly  "Magyar Forum" (Feb. 22, 1996) on the evening
of Feb. 7, 1996 an armed commando of 25 (accompanied by 4 uni-
formed police) raided the "Rozsika" inn in Salgotarjan, where 9 high-
school  students (3 girls) held a peaceful, unarmed political gathering.
Students were (1) denied their rights of peaceful gathering,
(2) physically brutalized by the commando with a baseball bat
found among their belongings, beaten, (3) verbally abused, terrorized
and threatened, (4) searched without due warrant, (5) blackmailed,
(6) falsely  imprisoned. To aggravete offenses, (7) public was mis-
informed by the only partially free press of Hungary of the said
commando abuse.

Violent barbarism is actually not that surprising, in light of the fact
 that present government of Hungary is headed by Prime Minister
Gyula Horn, who personally took part in the armed supression of the
1956 revolution as a volunteer to Janos Kadar's "workers' militia".
Even Mr. Horn never denies this fact. Thus, no one should pretend
astonishment that his government is acting likewise. Especially since
-having had been Minister of Foreign Affairs in the last communist
government - he regained power in 1994 on top of a government of
his own liking; with over two hundred years of the  highest ranking
communist party memebership!

Surprising, perhaps, is his blatant contempt of public opinion, which
ought to be a bit outdated by 1996. Alarmed by the above commando-
violence that broke hell loose in Hungarian politics, by introducing
violence as the only possible means of his governing, as a citized of
both Hungary and the USA I found essential to bring international
attention to his reckless act. The above protest was therefore elec-
tronically filed on March 1st with both Freedom House in New
York City, as well as with Amnesty International, and electronic copies
were sent to Mr. Gyula Horn, demanding immediate  investigation and
punishment of offenders in order to restore fundamental human rights
 in a country to be known "post-communist".

A 14-day period of grace expired with this day. Not unexpectedly
from Mr. Gyula Horn, whose comrade-in-arms and communist boss
Janos Kadar  for years after 1956 completely disregarded all condemnation
by United Nations of their violence, this public alert was also left totally
unanswered, to this very minute. Those who would like to think this is
just an oversight should consider that Gyula Horn cut off all public dialogue
recently also with Prof. Erno Pungor, resigned head of the government-
arm for R&D, who protested in writing because R&D-portion of GDP
nosedived below one tenth (!) since 1989 in Hungary. As a result,
tens of thousands of scientists like me had to flee their homeland to survive.
Yet Mr. Horn as Prime Minister refused even to study Dr. Pungor's
memorandum with these words that should be telling to civilization:
"I have no time to read".

It no longer matters if Prime Minister Gyula Horn, educated in the
Soviet  Union, have had the ability to read the protest over violence of
the Commando under his command or not. With the government-
violence he condones,there remains only one issue worth focusing on.
A "Hungary Watch" will monitor if throngs taking to the streets in
demonstrations these days in Hungary will be able to express peacefully
 the political will of the majority of population, that the present
government resign forthwith, or the nation will accept the government's
choice and responds to the historic insult in kind. Also, the free
world will know if warnings were published in the press before it was
too late, or this part of the world was left again ignored, thus sharing
responsibility with communists like Mr. Gyula Horn.

It is a record of history, that the Hungarian nation refused for the
last 40 years since 1956 her ultimate constitutional right, to exercise
her power directly, and not by representatives.  Even the transition
from communist to "postcommunist" governments (with several of
the very same Ministers in both!) not a single act of violence occurred,
 initiated by the nation. Mr. Horn has perhaps been imprinted by this
period of history that his violence could rule over Hungarians, brutally
suppressing the 1956 Revolution.  His choice of resorting to violence
on Feb. 7th 1996, however, bears historical responsibility for the
unknown future. For the happenings of today, tomorrow, or whenever.

One ought to remind the free world also to "its right to remain silent"
 - but must bear the consequences.


Dr. Andras J. Pellionisz
Citizen of Hungary and of the USA
San Francisco Bay Area, California
fax (408) 746-2765

[This letter has been filed to 104 newspapers in the USA, and
 to USA Senators and Representatives. Copies were sent to
Mr. Horn, Freedom House and Amnesty International]
+ - A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MAGYAR (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)



(Jozsef Attila)

Minek magunkat lassan olni?
Nem jobb egyszerre megdogolni?
Mint rokkant labbal tantorogva,
Vizes, vak szemmel csillagokba,
Rossz, messzi csillagokba nezni
S regi dicsoseget idezni.
Idezni mind, mi osi, odon.
Hogy hatha megiscsak megszanna
Az Uristen valami modon.

Minek magunkat lassan olni?
Gonoszsag helyett buza nol ki
Az egrol foldbe hullt szivunkon;
De igaz, notas, fittyos masnak.
Magyar, koszonj az elmulasnak.
Nincs mit kereskedj mar e tajon,
Akad legeny, ki idealljon
S asokat vigan foldbeszurja!

Mit nyoszorogsz? Nem akarsz halni?
Hisz eletunk ugyiscsak talmi
S nem is nagyon kell mar akarni,
Akarodik ez nelkuled,
Agyadban bar ego hodalyba zart
Riadt baromkent bog a remulet.

1923 februar 15


(Jozsef Attila)

Bezarva okos orultek koze,
Szenvedunk, mint az eldugott kenyer.
Rab sziveink orok szerelmese,
A nagy vilag minket hiaba hiv!
O nagy vilag, csak erted eltunk eddig,
Szaguldo, forro menesek utan
A barna foldek mulo dobajat
Szivunk teerted dobogta tovabb
Es mozdonyaink szallo duborgese
Feled lengeti most is lelkeinket!
S a nyomorultak, ok, akik miatt
Temetonek is kicsi lett vilagunk,
Meg ok biztatnak, hogy a pusztulast
Hos batorsaggal s daccal kell kibirnunk!
Hat lesz-e magyar, ha mi nem leszunk?

O be kicsi az o piszkos vagyuk!
Alig latszik, hogy fajdalmunkra csoppent.

Ha levegotlen vihar a jajunk,
Akkor is csak
Hogy minden buzatabla kiperegjen.

O jaj, mi igazan tisztak vagyunk,
Nekunk nyisson ajtot a remenyseg!

1924 vegen


Szeretettel az SCM olvasoinak Attilatol. - Remenykedjunk hogy a
Marcius 15 unnepunkre gondolvan mas versek vagy idezetek/prozak
is fel fognak bukkani az SCM-en (s nem allunk meg itt? :-)).
+ - Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
    (vax2.concordia.ca) wrote:
>(Jozsef Attila)

Meg tudna valaki mondani, hogy mi az ertelme Jozsef Attila verseket olvasni 
ekezetek nelkul, ronda szamitogepbetukkel amikor mind megjelentek 
szepkiallitasu verseskotetekben?

Csak egy kerdes...

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter Szaszvari wrote:

> Termeszetesen ennek semmi koze kulturahoz de Budapesthez meg kevesbe. Kiserje
> figyelemmel melyik uzenet honnan jon.


> Itt kerem szeretettel emigrans illetve atmenetileg kulfoldon dolgozo magyarok
> anyazzak egymast jobb dolguk nem leven. Egy a kozos bennu(n)k mind jobban
> tudjak(-juk) mi van es mi lenne jo Magyarurszagon mint akik ott elnek.
> Az otthon elo olvasoknak egy dolguk marad, gurulni a rohogestol latvan  mi
> lesz az emberbol kulfoldon es erezni: JOBB ITTHON!

Elobb azt irtad, hogy kiserjuk figyelemmel hogy melyik uzenet honnan
jon. Ez nem csak azt jelenti, hogy azt kiserjuk figyelemmel, hogy
Magyarorszagrol jon vagy "kulfoldrol". Vagyis azert nem jo otlet
a "kulfoldot" egy kalap ala venni. Ennel talan meg jobb otlet lenne,
ha nem azt neznenk, hogy az uzenet honnan jon, hanem hogy ki a
feladoja, esetleg fuggetlenul attol, hogy honnan jon. En pl.
nem szeretnem, ha azert, mert kulfoldrol irok egy kapal ala kerulnek
az illeto szerzokkel.

+ - Flanders (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ok, Ok, chill out!

Flanders is the northern part of Belgium (where the Vlaams live), 
Wallonia is the southern part and Brussels is in the middle. Everyone 
fights with each other (only in words though, although many direction 
signs with the city name in both languages -that is french and dutch- 
have been spraypainted out by a group of kids who speak the other 
language). Makes driving hard!!!

Each area has lots of separate rights; really like two countries in a 
way. Maybe a model (even with all of its problems) for other countries to 
follow. Hey, attach me for being a separatist!

Could we have a Belgium model for Romania?

+ - doing just nothing (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I have really no idea
+ - Re: Mimagyarok es Timagyarok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Na vegre egy normalis megnyilatkozas, ha egy kicsit tul irodalmi stilusban is.
Kar, hogy a szerzo csak a kezdobetuit gepelte ala.
+ - "I love you" in many languages (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

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<TITLE> Singles Web: dating, romance, dateline, gay, lesbian </TITLE>



<h1> "I love you" in various languages</h1>


Language                Translation

--------                -----------

Afrikaans               Ek het jou liefe

Afrikaans               Ek is lief vir jou

Albanian                te dua

Albanian                te dashuroj

Alentejano(Portugal)    Gosto De Ti, Porra!

Alsacien                Ich hoan dich gear

Amharic                 Afekrishalehou

Arabic                  Ana Behibak (to a male)

Arabic                  Ana Behibek (to a female)

Arabic                  Ib'n hebbak.

Arabic                  Ana Ba-heb-bak

Arabic                  nhebuk

Arabic                  Ohiboke   (male to female)

Arabic                  Ohiboka   (female to male)

Arabic                  Ohibokoma (male or female to two males or two females)

Arabic                  Nohiboke  (more than one male or female to female)

Arabic                  Nohiboka  (male to male or female to male)

Arabic                  Nohibokoma (m. to m. or f. to two males or two females)

Arabic                  Nohibokom (m. to m. or f. to more than two males)

Arabic                  Nohibokon (m. to m. or f. to more than two females)

Arabic (not standard)   Bahibak   (female to male)

Arabic (not standard)   Bahibik   (male to female)

Arabic (not standard)   Benhibak  (more than one male or female to male)

Arabic (not standard)   Benhibik  (male to male or female to female)

Arabic (not standard)   Benhibkom (m. to m. or female to more than one male)

Assamese                Moi tomak bhal pau

Basc                    Nere Maitea

Batak                   Holong rohangku di ho

Bavarian                I mog di narrisch gern

Bengali                 Ami tomAy bhAlobAshi

Bengali                 Ami tomake bhalobashi.

Berber                  Lakh tirikh

Bicol                   Namumutan ta ka

Bolivian Quechua        qanta munani

Bulgarian               Obicham te

Burmese                 chit pa de

Cambodian               Bon sro lanh oon

Cambodian               kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah

Canadian French         Sh'teme  (spoken, sounds like this)

Cantonese               Moi oiy neya

Cantonese               Ngo oi ney

Catalan                 T'estim   (mallorcan)

Catalan                 T'estim molt (I love you a lot)

Catalan                 T'estime  (valencian)

Catalan                 T'estimo  (catalonian)

Cebuano                 Gihigugma ko ikaw.

Chickasaw               chiholloli   (first "i" nasalized)

Chinese                 (see the entries for mandarin or cantonese!)

Corsican                Ti tengu cara (to female)

Corsican                Ti tengu caru (to male)

Croatian                LJUBim te

Czech                   miluji te

Czech                   MILUJU TE! (colloquial form)

Danish                  Jeg elsker dig

Dutch                   Ik hou van jou

Dutch                   Ik ben verliefd op je

Ecuador Quechua         canda munani

English                 I love you

English                 I adore you

Esperanto               Mi amas vin

Estonian                Mina armastan sind

Estonian                Ma armastan sind

Farsi                   Tora dust midaram

Farsi                   Asheghetam

Farsi (Persian)         doostat dAram

Filipino                Mahal kita

Filipino                Iniibig Kita

Finnish                 Mina" rakastan sinua

Flemish                 Ik zie oe geerne

French                  Je t'aime

French                  Je t'adore

Friesian                Ik hald fan dei

Gaelic                  Ta gra agam ort

German                  Ich liebe Dich

Greek                   s'ayapo   (spoken s'agapo, 3rd letter is lower case


Greek (old)             (Ego) philo su (ego is only needed for emphasis)

Greenlandic             Asavakit

Gujrati                 Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon.

Hausa                   Ina sonki

Hawaiian                Aloha I'a Au Oe

Hebrew                  Ani ohev otach       (male to female)

Hebrew                  Ani ohev otcha       (male to male)

Hebrew                  Ani ohevet otach     (female to female)

Hebrew                  Ani ohevet otcha     (female to male)

Hindi                   Mai tumase pyar karata hun  (male to female)

Hindi                   Mai tumase pyar karati hun  (female to male)

Hindi                   Main Tumse Prem Karta Hoon

Hindi                   Mai Tumhe Pyar Karta Hoon

Hindi                   Main Tumse Pyar Karta Hoon

Hindi                   Mai Tumse Peyar Karta Hnu

Hindi                   Mai tumse pyar karta hoo

Hokkien                 Wa ai lu

Hopi                    Nu' umi unangwa'ta

Hungarian               Szeretlek

Hungarian               Szeretlek te'ged

Icelandic               Eg elska thig

Indi                    Mai Tujhe Pyaar Kartha Ho

Indonesian              Saya cinta padamu    (Saya, commonly used)

Indonesian              Saya cinta kamu            ( " )

Indonesian              Saya kasih saudari         ( " )

Indonesian              Aku tjinta padamu    (Aku, not often used)

Indonesian              Aku cinta padamu           ( " )

Indonesian              Aku cinta kamu             ( " )

Iranian                 Mahn doostaht doh-rahm

Irish                   taim i' ngra leat

Italian                 ti amo (if it's a relationship/lover/spouse)

Italian                 ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or relative)

Japanese                Kimi o ai shiteru

Japanese                Aishiteru

Japanese                Chuu shiteyo

Japanese                Ora omee no koto ga suki da

Japanese                Ore wa omae ga suki da

Japanese                Suitonnen

Japanese                Sukiyanen

Japanese                Sukiyo

Japanese                Watashi Wa Anata Ga Suki Desu

Japanese                Watashi Wa Anata Wo Aishithe Imasu

Japanese                Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu

Japanese                Suki desu  (used at 1st time, like for a start,

                                    when you are not yet real lovers)

Javanese                Kulo tresno

Kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene

Kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Mohisuthene

Kiswahili               Nakupenda

Klingon                 qabang

Klingon                 qaparHa' (depends where in the galaxy you are)

Korean                  No-rul sarang hae (man to woman in casual relation)

Korean                  Tangsinul sarang ha yo

Korean                  Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo

Korean                  Tangsinul Sarang Ha Yo

Korean                  Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic way)

Korean                  Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida

Korean                  Nanun Dangsineul Mucheog Joahapnida

Korean                  Nanun Dangsineul Saranghapnida

Korean                  Nanun Gdaega Joa

Korean                  Nanun Gdaereul Saranghapnida

Korean                  Nanun Neoreul Saranghanda

Korean                  Gdaereul Hjanghan Naemaeum Alji

Korean                  Joahaeyo

Korean                  Saranghae

Korean                  Saranghaeyo

Korean                  Saranghapanida

Kurdish                 Ez te hezdikhem (?)

Lao                     Koi muk jao

Lao                     Khoi huk chau

Latin                   Te amo

Latin                   Vos amo

Latin (old)             (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)

Latvian                 Es milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")

Lebanese                Bahibak

Lingala                 Nalingi yo

Lisbon lingo            gramo-te bue', chavalinha

Lithuanian              TAVE MYLIU (ta-ve mee-lyu)

Lojban                  mi do prami

Luo                     Aheri

Macedonian              SAKAM TE!

Madrid lingo            Me molas, tronca

Malay                   Saya cintakan mu

Malay                   Saya sayangkan mu

Malay/Indonesian        Saya sayangkan engkau

Malay/Indonesian        Saya cintakan awak

Malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu

Malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu.

Malayalam               Ngan Ninne Snaehikkunnu

Malaysian               Saya Cintamu

Malaysian               Saya Sayangmu

Malaysian               Saya Cinta Kamu

Mandarin                Wo ai ni  (Wo3 ai4 ni3  in tonal notation)

Marathi                 me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)

Marathi                 me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)

Marathi                 Mi tuzya var prem karato

Mohawk                  Konoronhkwa

Navaho                  Ayor anosh'ni

Ndebele                 Niyakutanda

Norwegian               Eg elskar deg  (Nynorsk)

Norwegian               Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (pronouncedyai elske dai)

Op                      Op Lopveop Yopuop

Osetian                 Aez dae warzyn

Pakistani               Mujhe Tumse Muhabbat Hai

Persian                 Tora dost daram

Pig Latin               Ie Ovele Ouye

Polish                  Kocham Cie

Polish                  Ja cie kocham

Polish                  Yacha kocham

Polish                  Kocham Ciebie

Portuguese              Amo-te

Portuguese (brazilian)  Eu te amo

Punjabi                 Mai taunu pyar karda

Punjabi                 Main Tainu Pyar Karna

Quenya                  Tye-mela'ne

Romanian                Te iu besc

Romanian                Te Ador

Russian                 Ya vas liubliu

Russian                 Ya tebya liubliu

Russian                 Ya polubeel s'tebya

Russian (malincaya)     Ya Tibieh Lublue

Scot Gaelic             Tha gra\dh agam ort

Serbian                 ljubim te   (I kiss you/love you,

                                     'lj' pronounced like 'll' in

                                     Spanish, one sound, 'ly'ish)

Serbocroatian           Volim te

Serbocroatian           Ljubim te

Shona                   Ndinokuda

Sinhalese               Mama oyata adarei

Sioux                   Techihhila

Slovak                  lubim ta

Slovene                 ljubim te

Spanish                 Te quiero

Spanish                 Te amo

Srilankan               Mama Oyata Arderyi

Swahili                 Naku penda (followed by the person's name)

Swedish                 Jag a"lskar dig

Swiss-German            Ch'ha di ga"rn

Syrian/Lebanese         BHEBBEK (to a female)

Syrian/Lebanese         BHEBBAK (to a male)

Tagalog                 Mahal kita

Tahitian                Ua Here Vau Ia Oe

Tamil                   Ni yaanai kaadli karen     (You love me)

Tamil                   n^An unnaik kAthalikkinREn (I love you)

Tamil                   Naan Unnai Kadalikiren

Tcheque                 MILUJI TE^

Telugu                  Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu

Telugu/india            Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu

Thai                    Phom Rak Khun   (formal, male to female)

Thai                    Ch'an Rak Khun  (formal, female to male)

Thai                    Khao Raak Thoe  (affectionate, sweet, loving)

Thai                    Phom Rak Khun

Tunisian                Ha eh bak                     *

Turkish                 Seni seviyo*rum     (o* means o)

Turkish                 Seni Seviyurum

Turkish                 Seni Seviyorum

Ukrainian               ja tebe koKHAju  (real true love)

Ukrainian               ja vas koKHAju

Ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv tebe

Ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv vas

Urdu                    Mujhe tumse mohabbat hai

Urdu                    Main Tumse Muhabbat Karta Hoon

Vietnamese              Em ye^u anh   (woman to man)

Vietnamese              Toi yeu em

Vietnamese              Anh ye^u em   (man to woman)

Vlaams                  Ik hue van ye

Vulcan                  Wani ra yana ro aisha

Welsh                   'Rwy'n dy garu di.

Welsh                   Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)

Yiddish                 Ich libe dich

Yiddish                 Ich han dich lib

Yiddish                 Ikh Hob Dikh Lib

Yugoslavian             Ya te volim

Zazi                    Ezhele hezdege (sp?)

Zulu                    Mena Tanda Wena

Zulu                    Ngiyakuthanda!

Zuni                    Tom ho' ichema



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+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur


References: > >
Organization: York University

FranLR ) wrote:
: "I love you" in Igbo (spoken in southeastern Nigeria):

: A huru m gi n'anya.

Here you can learn the an expected...I love you in SOMALI "Waa ku
jeclahay" Also I love you in ITALIAN "Ti amo".
+ - Re: doing just nothing (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Ren\i,  writes:
>I have really no idea

I see.
+ - Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Peter
Szaszvari) wrote:

> Termeszetesen egyetertek. Az altalanositas amolyan trefa volt, remeltem, hogy
> mindenki a tobbiekre gondol majd. Bar meg mindig nem hiszem, hogy nagyot 
> tevednek statisztikai ertelemben. De kerem: aki ide irogat/olvasgat es 
> egeszsegesnek erzi magat a vilagert se vegye magara.
> Inkabb irja meg nekem, hogyan csinalta. :)

oke, megirom. hogy tanulj :-)

nevetve. nevetve minden jobb. ugy meg a tragedia is neha szorakoztato. 




+ - PLEASE READ!!! RE: Postings (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I had a nice lady forward a response that had been posted to the 
newsgroup about the town of Balassagyarmat.  Apparently, my server had 
not paid for this posting - ie. I never got to read it until this lady 
e-mailed it to me.

Everyone should be aware that each service provider (the person who you 
pay each month to be on the internet) actually *has to buy* each 
posting.  There is actually someone who decides what is worth buying for 
their customers to read.

To anyone that responded to my posting, but didn't send e-mail:  If I 
have not personally responded to your posting, *please* e-mail me with 
your information!  This means that I didn't have a chance to read the 
posting on the newsgroup.

Thank you to all,

+ - doing just nothing (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I have really no idea
+ - Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Peter Szaszvari) 
>In article >,
>    (vax2.concordia.ca) wrote:
>>(Jozsef Attila)
>Meg tudna valaki mondani, hogy mi az ertelme Jozsef Attila verseket olvasni 
>ekezetek nelkul, ronda szamitogepbetukkel amikor mind megjelentek 
>szepkiallitasu verseskotetekben?
>Csak egy kerdes...
>Szaszvari Peter
Kedves Peter,

Nem tudom, ki hogy van vele, de altalaban az ember nem rohan haza itt a 
messzisegben (vagy akar otthon is) hogy lekapja a verses kotetett a
polcrol. Az elet manapsag sokkal gyorsabban zajlik, mint valaha is. Igy
reszemrol, boldogan olvastam az "ekezetek nelkul, ronda szamitogepbetukkel"
leirt verset Jozsef Attilatol - - - es ma este elofogom venni a 
"szepkiallitasu verseskotetemet" hogy ujbol elolvassam. Oszinten szolva,
kulonben nem jutott volna az eszembe. 

Take care.

Erdos Marina
+ - Re: A Versek nem erdemelnek valaszt? (Jozsef Attila: MA (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>Meg tudna valaki mondani, hogy mi az ertelme Jozsef Attila verseket olvasni 
>ekezetek nelkul,



(József Attila)

Minek magunkat lassan ölni ?
Nem jobb egyszerre megdögölni ?
Mint rokkant lábbal tántorogva,
Vizes, vak szemmel csillagokba,
Rossz, messzi csillagokba nézni
S régi dicsőséget idézni.
Idézni mind, mi ősi, ódon.
Hogy hátha mégiscsak megszánna
Az Úristen valami módon.

Minek magunkat lassan ölni?
Gonoszság helyett búza nől ki
Az égről földbe hullt szívünkön;
De igaz, nótás, füttyös másnak.
Magyar, köszönj az elmúlásnak.
Nincs mit kereskedj már e tájon,
Akad legény, ki ideálljon
S ásókat vígan földbeszúrja!

Mit nyöszörögsz? Nem akarsz halni?
Hisz életünk úgyiscsak talmi
S nem is nagyon kell már akarni,
Akarodik ez nélküled,
Ágyadban bár égő hodályba zárt
Riadt baromként bőg a rémület.

1923 február 15

>ronda szamitogepbetukkel

A Couriert ajánlom, márcsak a nagy hosszú Ú miatt is.

+ - Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  () wrote:
>Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>>Nem ertem a kovetkezoket:
>>1. Miert kell hatalom ahhoz, hogy az ember nevetni tudjon?
>>2. Kik azok a "nep"?
>>3. Honnan tetszik tudni, mit csinal a "nep"?
>Hat ha ezeket kerdezned kell, akkor te es a hasonszoruek valoban egy
>egesz mas vilagban eltek.  S most meg nem is szoltam az 1. szamu
>rakerdezesedben rejlo alapos csusztatasrol.
>Pannon J.

1. Sosem voltam hatalmon, sot... , megis sikerult rohogni sok marhasagon.
2.-3. Nem kaptam valaszt. Tessek szives lenni valaszolni megha trivialis is. 
Nekem nem az.
+4. Mar megint ezek a hasonszoruek. Hol vannak? Meg nem talalkoztam egyetlen 
hasonszoruvel sem.

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: Soc.culture.magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
   Peter Foldiak > wrote:

>Elobb azt irtad, hogy kiserjuk figyelemmel hogy melyik uzenet honnan
>jon. Ez nem csak azt jelenti, hogy azt kiserjuk figyelemmel, hogy
>Magyarorszagrol jon vagy "kulfoldrol". Vagyis azert nem jo otlet
>a "kulfoldot" egy kalap ala venni. Ennel talan meg jobb otlet lenne,
>ha nem azt neznenk, hogy az uzenet honnan jon, hanem hogy ki a
>feladoja, esetleg fuggetlenul attol, hogy honnan jon. En pl.
>nem szeretnem, ha azert, mert kulfoldrol irok egy kapal ala kerulnek
>az illeto szerzokkel.

Termeszetesen egyetertek. Az altalanositas amolyan trefa volt, remeltem, hogy 
mindenki a tobbiekre gondol majd. Bar meg mindig nem hiszem, hogy nagyot 
tevednek statisztikai ertelemben. De kerem: aki ide irogat/olvasgat es 
egeszsegesnek erzi magat a vilagert se vegye magara.
Inkabb irja meg nekem, hogyan csinalta. :)

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: doing just nothing (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, "Ren\i" > wrote:
>I have really no idea
Great! This is at least honest.
I think this was the topic I was looking for.

Are you sure that you have not a single one? 

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: ki gurul a rohogestol? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Peter
Szaszvari) wrote:

> In article >,  () wrote

> >Hat ha ezeket kerdezned kell, akkor te es a hasonszoruek valoban egy
> >egesz mas vilagban eltek.  S most meg nem is szoltam az 1. szamu
> >rakerdezesedben rejlo alapos csusztatasrol.

> +4. Mar megint ezek a hasonszoruek. Hol vannak? Meg nem talalkoztam egyetlen 
> hasonszoruvel sem.

en igen! igenis talalkoztam!

mert nekem van egy kutyam es allati (persze hogy allati) szoros.
mindenhol. fulonszoru is, meg hasonszoru is.

es itt horkol a labamon, szoval eppen talalkozasban vagyunk.


+ - (no subject) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I love you in China Henan Province:

wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
+ - Re: The Hungarians in Transylvania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Alexander N. Bossy) wrote:

>Just for the record, the white population of South Africa fell from about
>25% to about 10% during the years of apartheid, while the black population
>grew from about 60% to 75%.  Who was persecuted, and who persecuted during
>those years? 

Althought it was never pointed out in the American media (whose reporting on
issues in South Africa was atrocious), the reason for the growth of the black
population during the years of apartheid was that blacks from surrounding
nations were streaming into South Africa because apartheid was an improvement i
lifestyle compared to that in their own countries. In fact, based on reports
from people living in South Africa, the new administration so vehemently hailed
by the media has seen a drastic rise in violent crime. I don't believe that an
increase in population necesarily means an improvement in conditions (witness
China), but I'm afraid your reference to South Africa is not valid (so far as
the facts are concerned).

+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Peter Sundberg) wrote:
 (Isabelle) wrote:
 (FranLR) wrote:
>>>"I love you" in Igbo (spoken in southeastern Nigeria):
>>>A huru m gi n'anya.
>Let me translate
>>Pĺ Norsk:
>In nowegian:
>>Jeg elsker deg !   Eller:   Jeg er glad i  deg !
>Jeg elsker deg!      Or:      Jeg er glad i  deg !
>And so in swedish: Jag älskar dig
>If you can't see the first letter in the word in the middle,
>it is an "a" with 2 horisontal dots in on top.   Jag alskar dig.

+ - Re: Hola!!!!!!!! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

NOW ......... BYE AND HAVE FUN!! :-)
+ - Re: Hola!!!!!!!! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Followup-To: soc.culture.british,soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.cultu
References: > 
om> > 
> > > <4iau62$6s8_0

: NOW ......... BYE AND HAVE FUN!! :-)

Good point.  I had a summer job once.  I was packing strawberries.  
Weighing them in their punnets, pulling the cling film over top, letting 
it fall onto the hot wire so that it would tear, packing them into boxes, 
moving the boxes to the cold storage.  Very rewarding.  The pay packet at 
the end of the week really did have a sense of romance about it.