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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 UNEP Survey Part 6 (mind)  170 sor     (cikkei)
2 Hatha valaki nem olvasta... (mind)  53 sor     (cikkei)
3 Mohovce 1. (mind)  126 sor     (cikkei)
4 FYI (with thanks to Jim Perry) (fwd) (mind)  182 sor     (cikkei)
5 Magyar-amerikai kornyezetvedelmi kooperacio (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
6 kornyezetvedelem & tarsadalom (mind)  77 sor     (cikkei)
7 Mohi eromu! (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
8 energiaipar privatizacioja (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)

+ - UNEP Survey Part 6 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Part 6 of 6

> ============================================
V.     Conclusions and Implications  
   A.  Conclusions  
   1.         From an environmental perspective, the financial  
              services industry is placing greater emphasis on  
              non-core banking programs (e.g., recycling and  
              energy efficiency) than on core banking activities.  
   2.         Environmental risk management, from a debt financing  
              perspective, has become accepted by banking leaders  
              as part of the basic credit process in virtually all  
              industrial countries and most transitional  
   3.         Involvement with environmental activities crosses  
              all geographic regions of the  world's  
              industrialized economies.  North American  
              institutions are the most focused on risk management  
              processes and tools, and European institutions are  
              leading the way on identifying environmentally       
              related new business opportunities.  
   4.         Environmental issues presently appear to play little  
              role when it comes to equity financing.  
   5.         The industry is looking for simpler regulations and  
   6.         The attention which environmental activities now  
              receive appears to have little or no relationship to  
              whether institutions have a formal policy or if they  
              signed the UNEP Statement.  
   7.         The industry, in general, has a need for more  
              meaningful analytical data and risk quantification  
   8.         Regardless of their current perspective, geographic  
              base, or stage of financial market development, all  
              respondents, believed environmental issues will  
              receive more attention and become increasingly  
              integrated with core business activities over the  
              next fifteen years. In particular, financial  
              institutions will be more likely to look for  
              transactional opportunities with environmentally     
              related businesses  
   B.  Implications  
1.         Individual institutions will need to continue to expand  
       environmental initiatives, especially as they relate to  
       core banking activities.  
2.         The industry needs to extend the practices already in  
       place in industrial economies to many transitional  
       economies and all developing countries.  
3.         Institutions need to explore more seriously the revenue  
       side of the equation (e.g., brown development, IPOs,   
       renewable energy, pollution prevention) rather than focus  
       on risk management only.  
4.         The industry's investment banking side needs to broaden  
       their focus to include effective approaches to address  
       environmental issues on the equity side.  
5.         National governments and multilaterals have a key role  
       to play in creating "global" guidelines/regulations that  
       would simplify the bankers' approach to crossborder  
       transactions while also setting the stage for an ~even~  
       playing field.  
6.         In general, more information needs to be gathered as to  
       the industry's requirements in the areas of risk  
       management,  credit analysis, training and modeling.  
7.         There is a very clear and significant need for more  
       sophisticated, empirically-based risk management tools.  
8.         Given the regional differences in focus and activities,  
       the overall industry, and in turn the environment, would  
       benefit from a global industry wide exchange of information  
       on environmental policies and practices.                    
9.         Industry leaders from both the private and public  
       sectors should attempt to accelerate, where possible, the  
       trends outlined in this report.  
Understanding the reasons behind these findings is an important  
next step in creating a process for the banking industry to focus  
more on these issues.  And a better understanding of these issues  
will be needed as the industry becomes more deeply involved in  
the issues of effective resource utilization by its clients and  
the pressing question of how to achieve sustainable development  
on a global basis.  
VI.    Appendices  
   A.  Survey   
   B.  Key Geographic and Financial Market Development  
   C.  Respondents  
   D.  Project Team  
(Appendices A,B and C are available in printed version only)  
                         APPENDIX D  
New York based business that focuses solely on the linkages  
between environmental questions and the financial services  
sector, including strategic environmental issues facing the  
private sector providers of capital through debt and equity  
financing.  The issues examined by EFRE stretch beyond  
environmental risk management to helping institutions identify  
major revenue steam generating opportunities.  
For more information on EFRE or with questions on the survey  
results, please contact:   
John T. Ganzi, President,   
EFRE, 42 West 89th Street, New York, N.Y. 10024.    
Fax (212) 874-8637; Telephone (212) 874-8637  
established in 1972 to serve as the environmental agency of the  
United Nations.  UNEP works closely with governments, industry,  
and non-governmental organizations in promoting environmental  
protection and sustainable development.  UNEP~s legal work  
includes preparing negotiations and providing on-going support to  
the Montreal Protocol to protect the Ozone layer; the Convention  
on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); the Basel  
convention on the international movement of hazardous waste; and  
the Convention on Biodiversity.  Since 1991, UNEP has worked with  
the financial services sector, to promote environmental awareness  
and improved environmental management.  In 1992, UNEP brokered  
the ~UNEP statement by Banks on the Environment and Sustainable  
Development,~ initially endorsed by 30 commercial banks.   To  
date, over 75 banks worldwide have endorsed the Statement.  
For more information on UNEP~s work on banking, please contact  
Terry Collins, UN Environment Programme,  
Regional Office for North America,  
DC2-0803 Two United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017  
Tel: (212) 963-8098; fax: (212) 963-7341;  
Scott Vaughan,  
The UN Environment Programme,  
Trade and Environment Office,  
15, Chemin des An#002#mones, CH-1219 Chatelaine, Geneva, Switzerland  
Tel: (4122) 979-9288; fax: (4122) 797-3442  

                 Gabor Szilagyi  > 
                 United Nations Environment Programme
                 Regional Office for North America
                 TEL (212)963-7781 
                 FAX (212)963-8193
+ - Hatha valaki nem olvasta... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               Hatha valaki nem olvasta...

Hirmondo, 2/12:

Viharos kozmeghallgatas a mohi eromu epiteserol (MN)

Penteken kozmeghallgatast tartottak Budapesten a szlovakiai Mohiban
epulo atomeromuvel kapcsolatos kornyezetvedelmi kifogasok megvitatasara
magyar, szlovak es francia szakemberek bevonasaval.  Az esemennyel egy
idoben a helyszin elott hazai es kulfoldi kornyezetvedok tobb oras
demonstracioja zajlott.

A tervek szerint a magyar-szlovak hatarhoz alig 30 kilometerre egy
elavult technologiaju atomeromuvet epitenek fel, s az elmult ket evben
fel is gyorsitottak a rovid ideig szunetelo beruhazast.
Kornyezetvedelmi szakemberek szerint az eromu foldrengedveszelyes
tersegben epul, s baj eseten mind az uralkodo szelirany, mind a Garam es
a Duna folyo kizarolag magyarok lakta teruletre sodorna a nuklearis

A mecseki uranbanya nem alkalmas lerakonak (MN)

A pecsiek nyugtalansaggal, a szakemberek eles biralatokkal fogadtak
Schalkhammer Antal szocialista kepviselo televizios nyilatkozatat,
miszerint a paksi atomeromu nuklearis hulladekat a mecseki volt
uranbanyaban helyezik majd el.

Geologusok szerint az otlet mar a hetvenes evekben felvetodott, de
elvetettek azt: a banyat keresztul-kasul jarja a viz.  Igen jo
tulajdonsagu, vizzaro kozetreteg talalhato ugyan a Mecsek melyen, de nem
az uranbanyaban, hanem tobbszaz meterrel a muvelesi szintek alatt.  A
szakemberek hangsulyoztak: meg a kutatasoknak is csupan az elokeszulete
folyik az uranbanya alatti kozet esetleges hasznositasat illetoen.  Egy
1994-es kormanyhatarozat szerint harom even belul kell eldonteni,
letesitsenek-e a melyben kutatolaboratoriumot, amely a tovabbi
vizsgalatokat vegezne.

Az utolso hirhez csak annyit tennek hozza, hogy az uranbanyaba rakas az egy
fatalis hiba lenne - de azert en bizom benne, hogy ezt a felelos szekekben ulok
is beismerik.  A felhagyott banyak eloszeretettel jaratjak magukat
keresztbe-kasul vizzel.  Jo, szivattyuzassal ezt ideiglenesen meg lehet oldani,
de azert azt senki nem gondolja komolyan, hogy evtizedekig-szazadokig nulla ora
aramszunet lesz.  A banya alatti/melletti "bodai aleurolit" kozet az mar egy
komolyabb 5let (azert ez nem egy vadi uj dolog, mar 3 eve is a hidrogeologiai
modellbol irtam a diplomamunkam), de azon is lenne mit kutatni meg.  A kozet
tenyleg rendesen vizzaro; 1100m-rel a foldfelszin alatt.  A baj csak az, hogy
nem ismerjuk a kozet repedeseit; marpedig a (pl. a modelleim alapjan) egy
esetleges szennyezodes kijutasa, es annak idoskalaja kritiqsan fugg potencialis
repedesektol. Mas velemeny?  Diana
+ - Mohovce 1. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               Mohovce 1.

A Lengyel Okologiai Klub jelentese kovetkezik ket reszben a MOhovcei 
atomeromu-tervrol es kornyezeti hataselemzeserol. Az anyag mar regota hanyodik
Kornyesz-postaladakban, vegul ZP vagta a dolgot Kornyeszre (koszi, ZP!).  Az o
javaslatara egy-ket fogalom elozetesnek:
PWR - pressurised water reactor - nyomottvizes reaktor; tehat olyan , mint a
VVER - orosz tipusu reaktortipus, szinten mint Pakson
IAEA - Nemzetkozi Atomenergia Ugynokseg
RPV - a reaktortartaly, amiben az egesz ciki meg van probalva elkulonitve
A tobbi kiderul a szovegbol, vagy nem fontos.


Environmentalist group Polski Klub Ekologiczny (a member of Friends of 
the Earth - International) today told a commission of the Polish 
government that has been created to examine the Mochovce nuclear project 
in Slovakia, that there are serious safety problems associated with the 
plant, and that the project documentation is inadequate.

(...) presented evidence(...)
indicating that the Mochovce nuclear power plant will have structural 
problems with the systems intended to contain the effects of a loss of 
collant accident, (...) the vulnerability
of the reactor pressure vessell to neutron embrittlement, and the 
possibility that the emergency shutdown mechanism may not work.

PKE pointed to analyses done in Warsaw and Kiev of the structural strength 
of the 'Bubbler-Condenser Tower',  which is intended to condense 
radioactive steam from an accident, according to which  critical 
components of the tower would collapse under the stress of a major 


"If the bubbler-condenser tower were to collapse in the middle of
a serious accident such as the fracturing of the reactor pressure vessell, 
(...)  with a plume of radiation up to 1,000 Km
long.(... The affected areas can be)
Bratislava and Vienna, (...) Northern Slovakia,(...) Southeast Poland
including Crakow and Lublin. " 

PKE told the commission that the project documentation that had been 
publicly released failed abysmally to deal properly with crucial safety 
issues (...)

Following the Press Release we are also sending the Safety Analisis


John Hallam
(Nuclear Campaigner for FOE Australia)

The following comprises preliminary comments only on safety aspects of the
EIA for the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant.(...)

In general, the EIA follows a clear pattern of refusing to deal with safety 
issues that are of greater consequence and less easy to solve (...)
include reactor vessel embrittlement,
scram or Az system adequacy,  the adequacy of the bubbler tower/accident 
localisation system, and protection from turbine missiles. Seismic 
Protection is also inadequately dealt with.


The EIA documentation is (...) very slim on detail where
detail is important. For example, nowhere does it say what system is 
actually used for the emergency shutdown (Scram or AZ)  system, and nor is 
there any diagram of this crucial piece of safety equipment. Is the AZ 
system the rather unsatisfactory 'second modification' common to VVER213 
reactors, in which rod insertion is slowed down (and may be accidentally 
reversed) by the rotational friction of an attached motor? Is it a gravity-
drop system? Is it a VVER320/1000 or PWR style magnetic jack system?


No overall plant layout, and no site plan is provided. There are no  
engineering diagrams of a more general nature, such as sectional views 
showing the layout of main steam lines, turbines, position of the control- 
room,  the bubbler tower, and so-on. 

The EIA should provide a map of waste disposal facilities,  switchyards, 
the plant site boundary, accommodation, administration buildings, water 
supply facilities, nearby villages, road and rail connection, high-tension 
lines, etc. This is not done. 

In general, the documentation is lacking in detail, but it is especially 
lacking in crucial detail relating to critical and ongoing VVER safety 

(...) It (the EIA) frequently says things like ''satisfies Czech (or
Soviet or IAEA) safety requirement such - and - such',  rather than 
attempting to show that the system concerned will in fact work properly in
all the situations in which it will be required to work.


VVER Safety Issues

Issues of crucial concern for VVERs are the following:
1)  Reactor Pressure Vessel(RPV) Integrity, and the possible consequences 
    of failure of the RPV.
2)  The ability of the Az (scram) system to shut down the reactor swiftly 
    and reliably.
3)  The ability of the 'Accident localisation system' and
    the associated 'Bubbler-Condenser - Tower' to perform their functions 
    during a severe loss - of - coolant accident (LOCA).
4)  Lack of redundancy and lack of protection for emergency backup and 
    control systems (!!!)
5)  Lack of adequate seismic protection 
6)  Vulnerability to complete destruction from aircraft crash
7)  Vulnerability to fire
8)  Vulnerability of crucial components such as main steam lines and 
electrical equipment situated between the reactor and the turbine hall  to 
destruction by debris from a disintegrated turbine rotor. (...)

Folyt. kov.
+ - FYI (with thanks to Jim Perry) (fwd) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 10:53:59 CST
From: Lynn Nordquist >
Subject: FYI (with thanks to Jim Perry)

>                  Social Science Research Council
>                    Visiting Scholar Fellowships
>                on International Peace and Security
>The Council announces Visiting Scholar Fellowships for junior
>scholars, journalists, public servants, lawyers and others from
>Central and Eastern Europe, the non-Russian republics of the
>former-USSR, and sub-Saharan Africa.  Fellows are funded to pursue
>innovative research on peace and security in a changing world at
>universities and major research centers outside their home regions
>for four to six months.  The program is under the direction of the
>Committee on International Peace and Security at the SSRC.
>Applications are welcomed which:
>    Propose research that integrates regional and disciplinary
>expertise with the study of international peace, security, and
>    Contribute insights on issues of international peace and security
>which reflect the dramatic changes of the last decade;
>     Engage perspectives that can expand how international peace 
>security is conceived.
>Program Scope
>For ten years the Social Science Research Council has worked to
>promote intellectual creativity and imaginative thinking in the field
>of international peace and security studies.  The SSRC Program on
>Intenational Peace and Security has sought to cultivate within new
>generations of scholars the ability to comprehend the complex
>dynamics of global, regional, and local change and its impl ications
>for peace and security.  In 1990 the Council established the Visiting
>Scholar Fellowhsip Program to reach young scholars in regions of 
>world where the study of peace and security has historically been
>Global political transformation, economic restructuring,
>environmental changes and resurgent ethnic and nationalist 
>over the past decade have raised serious questions about: 1) the
>traditional concepts of national sovereignty and security; 2) the
>nature of the s tate and its international relations; 3) the use of
>military force in domestic and international affairs; 4) and the
>possibilities of global and regional cooperation.
>States remain important international actors, but non-state agents
>increasingly affect prospects for peace and security. Problems
>created by state collapse, ethnic and religious conflicts, mass
>migrations, and weapons proliferation are undermining the capacity 
>international institutions to deal with multiple sources of conflict
>and violence.  As societies become more differentiated and 
>the sources of threats to the security of individuals and
>collectivities are multiplying. At the same time, new opportunities
>that may be opening up for peaceful resolution of some longstanding
>and emerging inter- and intra-state conflicts need to be explored.
>To address these challenges, research on international peace and
>security must constantly search for and develop new perspectives 
>approaches, and apply innovative meth ods to new and old 
>The  Council particularly invites Visiting Scholar Fellowship
>proposals that would address emerging intellectual challenges by
>exploring the relationships between peace and security issues and 
>ongoing political, economic, social, cultural, environmental or other
>changes at the global, regional, national, and local levels,
>especially in regard to sub-Saharan Africa, East and Central Europe,
>and the non-Russian successor republics of the former USSR.
>The 1995 competition is open to qualified nationals of Eastern and
>Central Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the non-Russian republics of
>the former USSR, who reside in these regions.  This competition is
>designed for junior scholars and postdoctoral researchers in the
>first seven years of their postdoctoral careers as well as other
>eligible applicants at an equivalent stage, including lawyers,
>journalists and public servants. Scholars who have held the PhD for
>more than seven years are discouraged from applying.  The 
>gives strong priority to those who have not previously had the
>opportunity to study or do research outside their home regions.
>Applicants are expected to demonstrate an English-language ability
>that is sufficient for carrying out research at the postdoctoral
>level and interacting with other researchers.
>This is a program directed towards the professional development of
>researchers and of their critical, innovative research projects.  It
>does not support curriculum development, public education 
>policy advocacy, social or political action, or the creation and
>maintenance of organizations.
>The Council does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, creed,
>disability, marital status, national origin, race, gender, or sexual
>These fellowships encourage researchers to do one or more of the
>following: 1) develop new theories or apply new methods to
>longstanding peace and security concerns; 2) identify previously
>overlook ed peace and security issues;  3) formulate new research
>questions; 4) make contributions that link the study of peace and
>security to their own disciplines; 5) apply cultural, historical, and
>area-based understandings and perspectives to issues in 
>peace and security; and 6) promote  a concern for international 
>and security issues in their own fields and home regions.
>To achieve these aims, the fellowships require fellows to undertake 
>substantive research program of four t o six months' duration at a
>university or research institute outside of their home region.
>Proposed programs can be part of a larger ongoing research project
>leading toward a book, or constitute the initial stages of the
>development of a new research program which represents a 
>from previous work.  Fellows will be required to write and submit an
>article length paper at the end of their fellowship term which
>demonstrates significant progress in their research program.
>Visiting Schola r Fellowships complement the SSRC-MacArthur
>Foundation Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowships on Peace and
>Security in a Changing World which are longer-term fellowships
>available to researchers from all regions.  Visiting Scholar
>Fellowship awardees are encouraged to develop proposals for these
>longer-term awards in the future.  They are also encouraged to use
>their fellowship time to develop links to scholarly networks relevant
>to their work.   The application includes a 5-page narrative des
>cription of the proposed research program, a sample of written work
>in English, 3 letters of reference, and English-language competency
>evaluation. Applications postmarked after the deadline date will not
>be accepted.  Applications must be completed in English.
>Terms and Conditions
>Fellowships will cover round-trip economy airfare, institutional
>fees, a stipend of $1,500 per month, and other relevant non-stipend
>costs.  Successful applicants are required to affiliate with a major
>research cen ter in an English-speaking country selected in
>consultation with program staff.  The duration of a Visiting Scholar
>Fellowship will not exceed six months.  Fellows are required to
>travel according to the itinerary established by the staff at the
>outset of their fellowship, which covers their: 1) residence at their
>designated research center; 2) attendance at a relevant professional
>meeting; and 3) presentation of their projects in a workshop setting
>organized by staff.
>Application Deadlines:
>1995 Competition:
>Applications must be postmarked by July 15, 1995.
>Announcement of awards: November 1995.
>For further information and application materials, contact:
>Social Science Research Council
>Visiting Scholar Fellowship Competition
>Program on International Peace and Security
>605 Third Avenue, 17th Floor
>New York, New York 10158
>United States of America
>Email:   (Internet system)
>Fax: (212) 370-7896
>Phone: (212) 661-0280
+ - Magyar-amerikai kornyezetvedelmi kooperacio (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Kornyeszek,

Diana biztatasara kozzeteszek egy World Wide Web cimet, melyen keresztul
nagyon sok erdekes informaciot lehet megtudni egy magyar-amerikai
ekologiai kutatasi programrol:


Veletlenul talaltam ra "netsurfoles" kozben.
Kellemes tovabbi tarsalgast!

			Udvozlettel, Hetyei Gabor
+ - kornyezetvedelem & tarsadalom (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Kornyeszek!

Diana keresere kozze teszem egy magan level reszletet:

Mondjuk legyen a cime: "Kornyezte vedelem es a tarsadalom kapcsolata."

DE, a fentiekkel talan elentetben, vitatkozom Veled. Az energia arak
adminisztrativ emelese, szerintem a statisztikak vilagaban eredmenyt
fog felmutatni, de ez csak onbecsapas. ("A statisztika a modern vilag
hazugsaga" Szentgyorgyi Albert..) Erdemes a jo magyar alfoldon vegig
menni. Legutobb cegled alatt jartam. Nehany ezer forintert erdotket
lehetett venni. Nem akkorat, amiben tajfutni is lehet, hanem a
megmuvelt foldek kozti foltokat. (nehany negyzet kilometer) A gazdak
gondossan le is taroltak. Most oket nem izgatja az aremeles. Sajna ez
nem elszigetelt eset. 
Ahol lakunk, Rakosborzaszton, az emberek komolyan gondolkodnak azon,
hogy faval besegitenek a futesbe. Szamoljuk csak ki, hanyan vannak
azok, akiknek tul nagy nehezseg a gaz es a villany futes felvaltasa...
A lakosaghoz merten nem is olyan sok. Aztan oseink sok szazeves
munkajukat "megtiszteljuk" es ujra edz a homok, futoversenyre keszul.
Nyaron o gyozott az eperfold, es a legelo felett, a szemem lattara...
(Ennek mennyi a kornyezeti erteke???) Vajon mi lehet Szabolcsban? Es a
nagy erdoknel, ahol a tolvajok o"sto:lgyeseket vagnak tarra?
 No meg, ugye a telefon lopas mellett az aramlopas sem nagyon

Ugy gondolom, az allam. nem egy szornyu felettes, ha nem a kozoseg
segitoje kell legyen. Sajna ez a magyar kozoseg nem igy gondolkodik, de
az allam is elfelejti, rendelkezni lehet, de csak akkor mukodik, ha azt
el is tudja fogadtatni. Hat ez bizony szociologia!!!

Megjegyzesnek az en szakmambol veszek peldat. En mernok vagyok, vegyunk egy
peldat: egy rendszert kell tervezni, amiben szamitogepes nyilvantartas
van, mondjuk egy raktarban. Itt ugy tanultuk, es altalaban ugy is
csinaljak, hogy ez egy mernoki feladat. Meg kell hatarozni, milyen
masinan, milyen adatbazissal optimalis koltseggel... Ez mind renben is
van. Azonban, aki mar latott egy raktart, ahol ezt megcsinaltak,
elhiszi, hogy az igazi feladat szociologiai es pszihologiai. Ugyanis a
raktarosnak is el kell fogadni az uj rendszert. Tulajdonkeppen az
informatikusoknak szociologuskent kell dolgozniuk.  Ugyan ez az
allamigazgatasban is meg van. Most mar elfogadtak, hogy az SSADM-mel meg
fogjak tervezni a magyar allamigazgatas informatikai rendszeret. Persze
ez rengeteg erdeket sert, elgondolhatod, ez micsoda feladat!

Szoval szerintem, ez egy kis orszag. Ma a kiskapuk altal mukodik. (A
paprika botrany mutatja, hogy mennyire igy van. Sajnos nagyon sokan
kenytelenek v. csak egyszeruen mert olcsobb, "fekete" kereskedelemben
vasarolni. Pl MDF piac, kis uzletek. Itt nincs ellenorzes, ment is a
hamisitas. A nagy orlo uzemek termekeit, meg csak a szupermarketekben
vettek. Es amilyen "buta" a kalocsai paprika feldolgozo nagyuzem, ki is
jelenti, a minoseg vedelem nem az o dolga. Csak a Danone jott, ra,
hogy, ha o az uzleteket ellenorzi, micsoda reklamot tud csinalni.)
Ebbol a peldabol is lathato, nekunk egyszeru hetkoznapi embereknek kell
radobbenunk, es vedenunk az igazi erdekeinket. Azt hiszem, igazad van,
az energia fogyasztas visszafogasa a valodi energia arak megfizetesevel
lehet. De az ar az, amit az emberek megfizetnek erte, es nem az amit
kiszamolnak. Ha en, szomszedaim is feltik a jovot, el fogjak fogadni az
aremelest.  Kerlek, ne gondolkoz sommasan. Talan mar nem annyian
nyitjak ki az ablakot a futescsap letekerese helyett. Ahol meg ez nem
igy van, ott az aremeles sem segit. (Azokban a hazakban, nincs es nem
is lehet egyeni mero. Tovabba kozoseg sincs. csak: "En miert
takarekoskodjam, ha a szomszed nem teszi, es azt is en fizetem meg!"
(:-{}. Legfeljebb nem fizetik ki a szamlat, mindenkit, nem lehet
kikoltoztetni, az onkormanyzat meg csinaljon amit akar... Legfoljebb
kikapcsoljak az egyesz hazat a rendszerbol, lehet szidni a
politikusokat, na meg aki rendesen fizetet az meg roszul is jar, es
megtanulja, becsuletesen nem erdemes...)

Igazandibol, egy helyzetkepet akartam adni, egy magamfajta itteni
"ertelmisegi" hogyan latja.  Igazad van, NEM SZABAD AZ ENERGIA ARAK
NORMALIZALASI ESZKOZET elhagyni. A tamogatast vissza kell fogni, a
kerdes igazan a mertek illetve a hogyan, illetve ne csak ezt tegyuk
meg. Itt sok apro lepesre van szukseg, ahhoz hogy egy jovore epito
kozosseg jojjon letre.

+ - Mohi eromu! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Kornyeszek!

No mi a velemenyetek az epulo atomeromurol? 
Es a "nyugat" hozzaallasarol? (Szlovakia ezzel az eromuvel aramot akar
exportalni nyugatra!)

Epedve varom velemenyetek!
+ - energiaipar privatizacioja (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Elorebocsatva, hogy se energiaugyi szakerto se kozgazda nem vagyok, 
alapvetoen jo dolognak tartom az energiaszolgaltatok magankezbe 
adasat, amennyiben az szakmailag elismert befektetok kezebe kerul. Persze 
csak ugy, hogyha valami modon biztositani lehet, hogy nem egy-ket 
tarsasag kezebe kerul a szektor. Megjegyzem, biztos vagyok benne, hogy az 
allam is ragaszkodni kivan a tulajdonreszenel nagyobb beleszolasi joghoz. 
( aranyreszveny? ) Egy ilyen maganositasi akcio talan nalunk is 
eldonthetne a melyik aram az olcsobb vitat. Bar azt hiszem - tetszik, nem 
tetszik - lassam ra kell jonnunk, hogy a felhasznalt energia valodi arat 
kell megfizetni, es ez nem csak Magyarorszagon lesz keseru pirula. 
Gondolok itt most pl. arra, hogy megallt a gepkocsik fogyasztasanak 
csokkentese. Erdemes megfigyelni, hogy ujra kedvezo fogyasztasunak szamit 
az a gepkocsi, amelyik varosban 9-10-12 litert zabal 100 km-enkent. Igaz, 
hogy 100 loero koruli teljesitmenyt produkal, de erosen ketsegesnek 
tartom, hogy erre a menesre szukseg is van. Nekunk egy ezereves rozzant 
Zsigulink van, talan 45 loeros teljesitmennyel, de meg soha nem ereztem 
ugy, hogy az en lassusagom okozna fennakadast a forgalomban. ( igaz, ha 
lehet, akkor biciklivel jarok, amivel a belvarosban sokkal gyorsabb 
vagyok, mint barmelyik autos :-) ). Mindenesetre oszinten kivancsi vagyok 
egy olyanvalaki velemenyere, aki nalam gyakorlottabb tagja a fejlett 
fogyasztoi tarsadalomnak es nemcsak a sajtobol ismeri a korszeru 
