1. |
Need contact in Hungary for photo paper (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: About the Kurdish opinion on Turks (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Source for Hungarian wine (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
How do you say, "social worker" in Hungarian? (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Check my WEB page to see picts of Hungary (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Festivals relating to the Stars. (mind) |
94 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Countess Elizabeth Bathory (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Hungarian and Sumerian? (mind) |
79 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: magyar rovasiras az ISO 10646/Unicode-ban ? (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Need contact in Hungary for photo paper (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am looking for someone living in Hungary that might be able to purchase
some Hungarian black & white photo paper on my behalf. Specifically, I
am looking for a paper that is manufactured in Hungary and is called
"Forte Elegance".
The name and address (or phone number) of the manufacturer or a Hungarian
distributor would be equally welcome.
David Fokos
The Beakman Boston Sushi Society
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+ - | Re: About the Kurdish opinion on Turks (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
this article is crossposted to the following groups:
Newsgroups: soc.culture.kuwait,soc.culture.lebanon,soc.culture.mongolian,,soc.c
please help in eliminating crossposting by not following up on it.
+ - | Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Ruben D. Alvarado
4417 N.W. 99th Way
Sunrise, FL 33351
Ruben Alvarado )
Lab Operations
(305)587-2900 ext 5032
beeper: 728-5032
+ - | Re: Source for Hungarian wine (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Can anyone help me locate a source from which I can buy such wines as:
You can also try Bende & Sons in Vernon Hills, IL. They do
mail order of these and tons of other kinds of Hungarian food and wines.
Tel 708-913-0304
John Callan
+ - | Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Marco de
Moulin > writes:
|> Hey!
|> What's up with your address?!
Now its o.k.
|> Adios, Marco de Moulin (Houten, Holland)
|> || +------------------+----------- - - - - - - -+ ||
|> ___/||\___ | HAPPINEESS IS | E-MAIL : |
|> ___/||\___
|> ""|"||"|"" | GOOD HEALTH AND +--------------------------------+
|> ""|"||"|""
|> |_||_| | A BAD MEMORY | HTTP://HUIZEN.DDS.NL/~MOULIN | |_||_|
|> /--\ +-- - - - - - - - ---------------------------+ /--\
+ - | How do you say, "social worker" in Hungarian? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The subject says it all.
Thank you
+ - | Check my WEB page to see picts of Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Check my WEB page to see some preety pictures (among other) of Hungary.
The URL is : http://wwwvms.utexas.edu/~HRISTOS/index.html
Thank you
+ - | Festivals relating to the Stars. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm seeking information on festivals relating to the Stars which are
held all of the world.
My name is Satoshi Natsume living in Sendai, a city in the northern
part of JAPAN. In my city Sendai, we celebrate a big festival called
the "TANABATA MATSURI" which concerns the Stars (See below). "TANABATA
MATSURI" is our biggest festival of the year and one of the most
famous festivals in Japan. We have been holding this festival for a
long time, and the origin of this festival came from an old Japanese
If there are any similar festivals which relate to the Stars in the
region of your country, I would really like to know about them. And I
would also like to collect information on the legend, Fairy tale,
Superstition and custom which surround your celebration of the
Stars. In particular, I am looking for information on those festivals
which are currently held or existing in certain areas.
If anyone knows the following information (including news group,
M.L., etc.$B!K(B, please let me know. I will wait for your reply. (Any
language will be accepted)
Many thanks in advance.
%% The Sendai Foundation for Applied Information Sciences %%
%% research worker Satoshi Natsume %%
%% e-mail: %%
==== August 6-8 Tanabata, Sendai downtown Area ====
Tanabata is one of the three great festivals of northern Japan. Over
2 million visitors fill the city at this time of year to see the
tanabata which decorate the city.
Tanabata evolved from a Chinese fairy tale (with a counterpart found
in Western tradition) in which two young people fall in love. A
weaver, daughter of a celestial king,fell in love with a handsome
cowherd and they marry, but the king disliked the way she neglected
her weaving and the way he neglected his herd. So he separated them on
opposite sides of the Milky Way and decreed that they could meet only
one night a year. On that one night, a flock of magpies came together
and formed a bridge with their wings so the princess could visit her
lover. It eventually came to be believed that they could meet every
year (usually July 7th) and only if the sky was clear. If it rained,
the magpies could not make their bridge and the lovers would have to
wait another year.
To celebrate the event, the people of Sendai hang decorations of
strip of Japanese paper and origami on bamboo poles along the streets.
On Chuo-dori and Ichibancho huge tanabata ("star decorations") made of
paper and bamboo are hung above the streets. Slightly less
sophisticated tanabata are found on Nijunin-machi.
There is a parade on the night of the 5th at 5:00 p.m. along
Jozenji-dori and fireworks on the night at Nishi Koen. But the
tanabata in the center of town are the main attraction. For a good
look at them, try early morning hours. But for mood, go later with the
The Tanabata Festival is most noted for its decorations and
traditionally each decoration has seven parts. The long colored-paper
streamers are called fukinagashi and they symbolize the threads which
the princess weaves all year long until she can meet her lover. A
small paper kimono, kami isho, is made by women to ask for greater
sewing skills and is also a charm against disease. Folded paper
cranes, orizuru, symbolize long life. Kinchaku, a kind of purse, is
made to bring increased wealth. Tanzaku are strip of paper on which a
poem is written, usually having to do with the Milky Way. A paper net
called toami is made to insure large catches of fish. A waste basket,
kuzukago, symbolizes the desire to save and economize.
The more traditional tanabata can be seen in Nijunin-machi just east
of the station or in Aramachi. The more gorgeous ones along Chuo-dori
also require a lot of work and each one may cost from \150,000 on
up. Look carefully because no two are exactly alike and they are not
used again.
Tanabata matsuri's photo URL:
> ===================================================
+ - | Re: Countess Elizabeth Bathory (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, T. Kocsis > write
|> In article > Teodor A. Lungu,
|> writes:
error 1: I was just quoting the Guiness Book ! ;-)
|> > The greatest number of victims ascribed to a murderess was 610,
|> error 1: app. 300 murder were discussed in the trial.
|> >She had been walled up in her room for 3 1/2 years after being
|> >found guilty.
|> error 2: She simply was not allowed to leave her castle, thats
|> all.
|> error 3: She died not long after the sentence. The trial was
|> 4 year long (1610-1614) as a matter of fact and during she
|> was in custody the above descripted way in her castle.
|> error 4: Blood-bathing
|> Tamás
So the Guiness must be then wrong...
+ - | Re: Hungarian and Sumerian? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > CLARY Olivier,
>Word boundaries (spaces) are conventional, _je t'aime_ is as much one word
>as _szeretlek_. With different conventions they would have been _j(e)taime_
>and _szeret l ek_ (with a word made of one consonant like in Russian).
We don't talk about writing down word, do we ? The Hungarian 'szeretlek'
is pronounced as one word. As a matter of fact I studied to pronounce
'je t'aime' in two parts _je _ & _t'aime_ because I 've heard this way,
with small stop, in the disco (zsö teeem :) :) )
>>It just a stupid mechanical (physics) paralell: the bigger,
>>the rigider, the combined from more pieces breaks easier
>>than the small, compact things.
>So we have
> - the big Hungarian constructions, made from much more little pieces
You are kidding with me, i see ,8-/ but i wrote this not.
hazamennék - I would go home
the Hungarian expression is (spelled and written as) one, small , compact
unit. You may see the English version consists of 4 written (spelled to 3
4 ) words. This structure neither small nor compact. The English build
further their sentences from such units. Usually the higher level
has its own strict how-to-build-up rules. The Hungarian higher level
structure -sentence- does not have so strict arrangement rules, you are
allowed placing the units quite liberaly together as you like it.
> - the Hungarian rigidity in demanding all grammar links to be shown, also
> differenciating between nouns, verbs and adjective
It forces us to spell out everything so less chance that something will
be lost because of laziness.
>and on the other hand
> - the small basic words of English
That's another story: the basic vocabulary. They have more roots and they
are losing more roots as time elapses. Hungarian has less roots used
several times with slight modifications so there is less chance to lose
or change of them.
> - the compact information of a new different word in English when Hungarian
> uses various suffixes instead
See above.
>But no, in the last centuries Hungarian has evolved no more than English
>(no less either).
I strongly question this 'no less either'. The 16th century Hungarian is
completely intelligible uses almost the same grammar of nowdays
while the English of the same age has some very german-like sentence
Egy kis magyar a 16 századból:
"Bicsérdi Benedek, a sárvári vár porkolábja, hiti után ezt vallja, hogy
ultátul fogva ő sárvári porkoláb, százhetvenöt leánzót és asszonyállatot
vittek halva ki az asszony házából Sárvárról. Micsoda halállal holtanak
meg, azt ő nem tudhatja, mert ő különben be nem járt az asszony házá-
ban, hanem az mikor hivatta. Olyankor pedig, ha azelőtt valami volt vol-
na is, de eltisztitottak szem elöl.
Mindazonáltal egyszer látta az falt, hogy véres volt; egyébre nem gon-
dolhatja, hanem azféle megkínzott vére volt. Azt tudta, hogy kegyetle-
nül verette a leŕnyit, úgy, hogy mikor a várat kerülte, kihallott az üté-
sének csattogása az várból az kerétésre. És egyvégben ezféle vereködés
eltartott níha hat óráig."
jegyzőkönyvrészlet Báthori Erzsébet viselt dolgairól (1610)
+ - | Re: magyar rovasiras az ISO 10646/Unicode-ban ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(CLARY Olivier) writes:
> ftp://othello.admin.kth.se/pub/misc/ojarnef/isorunes/annex-c-300.gif
>nincs-e kedve egy lelkes magyarnak hasonlo munkat csinalni a regi magyar
>rovasiras kulonbozo valtozataival kapcsolatban? Igy az Unicode-ban a kinai,
>indiai, maja es mindenfele ismert iras mellett az az iras is kapna helyet,
>amire utalt eredetileg az (o-)magyarban az _ir_ meg a _betu_ szo...
Egy kollegam ChiWriterhez csinalt rovasirasbetuket. (Mivel nagybetuk nem voltak
a rovasirasba, azokat maga talalta fol. :) )
De a ChiWriter mar egy masik korszak... (lassan muzealis lesz; a 4.0-as valtoza
tnak mar eselye sem volt)
>-- Udv: Olivier
Miklos Prisznyak (KFKI RMKI Theor. Dep. Budapest, Hungary H-1525 P.O.B 49)
WWW page: http://sgi30.rmki.kfki.hu/~prisz/prisz.html